The Next 50 Years
The core mission remains unchanged.
There are no plans to change SWAP’s core mission. What has worked for 50 years can continue to work moving forward. Our focus on delivering high-quality, affordable housing will never go out of style.
Rhode Island needs more housing across a wide income and demographic spectrum. It was the case in 1975 and remains the case in 2025. We like to think that we could be out of business for all the right reasons someday. If everyone at every time in their lives could have a nice place to call home that meets their needs and their budget – what a wonderful world we would have.
At the start of the next 50, we plan to share our knowledge and experiences in the dialogues around the planning and strategizing on what we, as a State, collectively can do to shake up the status quo. There are a whole host of good ideas out there on how to create more housing.
It is time for action, and SWAP is committed to doing its part for as long as it takes. Bold and brassy is what created SWAP 50 years ago. Let’s all commit to LESS RED TAPE to CREATE MORE HOUSING today as a starting point.